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My why for Essential Oils

The first oil I was ever introduced to was LAVENDER. Why? It was sold everywhere. Walk into any Bath or Major department store and the first smell is Lavender and if you take a class in Aromatherapy the first oil they teach is Lavender.

So if you have a diffuser...drop about 4 drops of Lavender oil into your diffuser and let's begin with a Calm and relaxing spa-like moment.

The first step in educating yourself about essential oils, is to learn the Latin name and understand how the oil affects the body.

I use Young Living don't hit just happens to be My oil of choice. Mainly because I know where the oil is coming from and how it is produced. Which is the 2nd step in essential oil savvy...

Why? There are several recipes that you can find on the internet, that are so much fun to make and they are very easy. The problem is, you don't know if the person who created these recipes are a novice or an experienced aromatherapist. As a one-time novice, I used to create recipes based on "smell" and while this sounds great, it can be harmful.

So what's the purpose of this talk oils, recipes and relax!

I hope you continue to follow my blog....I have a lot of great information. I welcome your comments, questions and any information you care to share.

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